Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Day 14232

OK, what do you say to an update on my ant situation? First, let me tell you about karma. I guess the idea behind karma is that people get what they deserve. Good people get good things and bad things happen to bad people. Now let's talk about irony. I'd say irony has to do with unexpected results or a contrast between what's a normal outcome and its possible opposite result. Keeping these thoughts in mind...

I woke up this morning to what easily was a 10-fold increase in my bathroom ant population! I think they understood the concepts of irony and karma. One of them even gave me the finger, or maybe he just jestured with his antennae. Either way, he knew! The rest of the ants seemed most interested in the overflow hole in the sink. They were marching in and out of there non-stop. I feel I might be getting what I deserve after the insensitivity I've displayed over the last 36 hours.

The hell with it though. Tonight, I brought out the bleach. Yep, I escallated the situation by introducing the use of chemical weapons. Just to be clear, these have nothing to do with the WMD's Bush had been looking for in Iraq. Anyway, I hate the odor of bleach. It makes my nose run. However, I did not sway in my all out war against these tiny little evildoers. Even though I know it may be bad karma and my nose might run, I am not opposed to embracing this level of possible martyrdom.

Then a week or two from now, I can start the war all over again. I mentioned that the queen ant is a little promiscuous, right? What would her mother think?!? And the queen's father, oh the poor soul, knowing that there basicly is one ant after another lining up for his daughter. I feel for that poor SOB. Anyway, I stray. My point is that it will be a neverending job. A war that someone with common sense would say just can't be won. Sound familiar?

Try not to think about it. Just say a prayer and try to get some sleep.


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