Day 14373
Happy 420 to those who celebrate! I didn't, but that's OK. I really don't need to anyway.
OK, so a long time (11 days) has passed since I last posted. I had opportunities, I was just feeling lazy and/or had nothing interesting to say. Well, after all this time, I still don't have much to offer here other than these lists (Pathetic or what?) One of the columns consists of 11 things I have done, the other, 11 things I've never done. Can you guess which is which?
........Column A..........................................Column B
Sang on a recording..........................Sang in front of an audience
Sailboarded in the ocean...................Surfed in the ocean
Climbed Mt. Ranier...........................Climbed Mt. Whitney
Hitchhiked........................................Picked up a hitchhiker
Walked barefoot in the snow..............Walked barefoot over hot coals
Saw a roommate having sex..............Saw parents having sex
Rode a horse....................................Rode an iron horse
Trick-skied behind a minibike.............Trick-skied behind a boat
Had poison ivy..................................Had poison oak
Have eaten dog.................................Have eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters
Fled from Mexican Police....................Fled from Canadian Police
Personally, I'd go for a mix of the two columns. I don't want to think you'd eaten dog OR seen your parents having sex. Yikes.
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