I am a restless gypsy, a wanderer, a dreamer. In fact, I spend as much time in my fantasy world as I do in the real one. That's probably not good. I am also lucky enough to be in a loving relationship with BluEyes, I'm a loyal friend to several, and unfortunately a workaholic and an owner of a short attention span. I wish to change some of those things.
I used the "L-word" this past weekend for the 1st time in years! My head didn't explode, the sky didn't fall, the ground didn't open up, and I heard it back!
After these past few moments of too short time, I must admit to having a real appreciation for the longing you must feel. It keeps me grounded as I try not to complain about having to wait a week to see my love.
May time speed up for you when you want and slow down during the precious time you and Alison get together.
I'm looking forward to meeting you two at Reinstock!
It was terrific, wasn't it?!?!
Well now! *smiles smugly fer yas*
RP strikes again. :D
Romantic Periodicals?
Rockin' Puptent...??
Receptive Puckerer?
Really Private...??
Remarkable Princess?
Rogue Poet...?
Ravioli Pasta?
River Pirate ..?
Must be something in the Kool-Aid that Jrzy passes out at RP.
Thanks Allan.
After these past few moments of too short time, I must admit to having a real appreciation for the longing you must feel. It keeps me grounded as I try not to complain about having to wait a week to see my love.
May time speed up for you when you want and slow down during the precious time you and Alison get together.
I'm looking forward to meeting you two at Reinstock!
Ha, I knew it, and I mentioned it to Allan a while back.
Yay! I'm so happy for you two!
I'm sitting here with a huge grin on my face. I don't know what else to say, except "See you at Reinstock!"
that is awesome! sighs...smiles.
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