Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Day 14427b

So, just when I'm trying to be light, serious stuff seems to sneak in through the cracks...

Tonight, a typical building, rectangular with four walls, fell apart. It literally crumbled before my eyes! As I stood and looked at the aftermath, I couldn't help but notice that two walls were still connected. It's possible they were actually holding each other up. Supporting each other, as it were, like two close friends.

This, in turn, made me look at the other two walls. They were deshevelled, beaten down, sad. Seemingly unaware that they could have leaned on each other for support and fought against the forces of gravity. It was a strange sight and interpretation. In my mind, each of those beaten down walls could see the two still standing, but do nothing about it. It was like a love triangle, but with an extra player. The sight truly saddened me and I imagined the two existing walls were sad as well. Overall, it was a very strange reaction to a damaged building. One that recognized the sum of it's parts as being greater than the whole. Fortunately, no one lived there.

And here I thought tonight was just going to be a relaxing one.


Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

hugs. just like bridges are built and burned, walls come and go. hope those are mended right as rain soon. if that is your desire.

much good vibes to you. melanie

9:11 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Be careful in the debris.

Something new will be built here.

7:26 PM  

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