Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Day 14421c

Exactly one week ago, I was in Redding for work. I was minus a computer, so I'm blogging about it now. Anyway, during the trip, I had the privilege to accompany Michelle on another visit to the famous Zippers! It being a Wednesday, they were having a karaoke contest with a twist...for $3 you could buy an opportunity to "gong" the contestants! And believe me, there were some there who deserved a-gongin'...actually managed to make Ashley Simpson sound good!

Anyway, from our prime location to the right of the judges and directly in front of the stage, we were able to take in the sounds, sights, and antics of the contestants. It is a contest lasting several weeks, with the winner collecting prize money from the "gong funds". Well, we were joined by a couple of ladies Michelle works with and it's safe to say that we all had a terrific time! We laughed so hard, I think we may have drowned out a few of the performers. (Apologies to those women and men and men in drag we may have offended.)

Ah, yes, the men in looked like a parady of a man in drag, the other...well, let's just say his butt was oh so spankable! Did I just say that out loud? Ahem, how `bout them Nationals? First place right now in the NL East! Oh yeah, baby!

OK, with testosterone levels back to normal...shall we discuss the ladies? One was named Heidi and she was a friend of Michelle's co-workers. This girl could blow! Not like that, silly - I mean she had amazing tone! Unfortunately she didn't always pick songs that showcased that. Some of the other ladies could sing pretty well, too. Then there were the ones who couldn't...

DETOUR: It was quite refreshing to see women turned loose to be themselves out in public. I believe that same sex couples, as a whole, are still apprehensive in most public situations to show affection to each other, especially the males. This is so sad. These ladies however held very little back. Often it was cute, sometimes it was erotic, and others, well, too much liquor can make for some unpleasant performances of the physical sort, if you're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down. Anyway, we saw plenty and what can I say...I like to watch!

...and so back to those who couldn't sing... Well, one encouraged her partner to come onstage and grind with her. Another, resorted to the American Idol philosophy...if you can't sing, sex it up! She performed "Fever"...poorly, but had on the tiniest of "skirts" (Here defined as a 4" wide strip of denim tightly wrapped around her with some floofy stuff about 2" wide stitched below the denim portion!) and wiggled and squirmed enough to make the gayest of men there straight! I recall one of my 3 hetro brothren in the bar crawling on the floor trying to get a better look. Amazingly he was not chastized!

Anyway, Michelle, now a regular, is going back there tonight with the girls...OMG, have I just outed her?...and I wish I could join them again! I had a blast the last time and would love to see all the shows this year, but, alas, it's not likely I'll ever make it up there on a Wednesday night again. *sniff* If you, dear readers, find yourself in Redding, CA on a Wednesday night, I highly recommend that you visit!

Have a great night Michelle et al!


Blogger Michelle said...

Can you say cleavage?
{insert wicked, sassy grin here}

Actually, I've heard that there is going to be a "straight invasion" there tonight by a HUGE bunch of my co-workers (many of whom are, in fact, quite bent!).

I wish you were here.


7:50 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I had a great time!

I was home by midnight and I had nothing but bottled water to drink. I was so good!

There were about 15 people from work that ended up being there and I wasn't sure which was funniest, the performers or the shocked looks on the faces of some of my co-workers.

Just about a toss up, I think.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Yibbyl said...

Wish I could have been there, but glad you had a good time!

6:43 PM  

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