Monday, January 03, 2005

Day 14266

I did not expect to post anything tonight, but I am feeling significantly less pain. Or maybe the pain is the same, but the spirit is better? Tough call. Besides, I wanted to thank both Allan and ankhara99 (From her RP profile, Mt. biking, rapelling, & cool is this lady!?!) for their comments to yesterday’s entry. So, thank you. Further, I was incredibly moved by Joseph’s entry dated 1-2-05. ~ Ha, you missed it! I actually typed “04” first! Change IS fun! ~ Using “~” is fun too; I recommend everyone try it.

Anyway, I got to thinking about how we are conveying ideas and emotions by using 1’s and 0’s, or on and off switches. This is really nothing that hasn’t been discussed before, but it still fascinates me how I can be touched and react to mere symbols.

We have been using symbols for centuries now, but somehow we take it for granted. We type, we read, we understand (hopefully). While driving, lights and signs warn us of possible situations and tell us how to behave, and hopefully we do. Morse code, smoke signals, sign language, pictures, and facial gestures all convey meaning. Our spoken languages are nothing more than series of vibrations used to convey thoughts.

I think one can forgive our arrogance in admiring the ingeniousness of mankind’s creative solutions to understanding each other. It is amazing to think how far we have come from violence to express displeasure, and equally dismaying to see that it still exists. And how greeting cards have come to express thanks, love, longing, joy, and pain, and yet sometimes, sadly, never sent.

And there is the key. It isn’t necessarily how we communicate that truly is important. What is important is that we take the time to share our ideas with each other in the first place. I have never met any of you who have commented to this blog, but you all have touched me through your words. You have made me feel alive, special, important, funny, interesting, talented, human, or simply made me feel, period. Thank you. I hope I am sufficiently returning the favor.

Sweet dreams to all you 1’s and 0’s!


Blogger Allan said...

Yes. More than you will ever know.

10:49 PM  
Blogger newwavegurly said...

Yes. Yes indeed.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Yibbyl said...

Oops! Sorry about the deleted comment, Rockinteach. I'd put it back if I knew how.

Person in Cognito, LMAO! I'm quite happy I'm not counting down, as well!

9:16 PM  

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