Thursday, February 03, 2005

Day 14297

Getting on here early today, as I came back into town even earlier this morning and have to head right back out on the road. So, I won't be posting for a few evenings.

Well, on Day 14293, I mentioned that I wanted to meet someone from RP. Well, it almost happened! Instead, we chatted on the phone for a couple of short visits. Very pleasant and, admittedly, somewhat strangely comfortable conversation with BluEyes, who is in northern CA. Kind of got surprised...I knew someone on RP was from Redding, but I had inadvertedly thought it was someone other than BluEyes. Anyway, the prior night we had dropped each other a few notes online and I'm sure that was a contributing factor in the comfort level, as well as the fact that she is simply a nice person. Looking forward to finally getting a face-to-face in the near future!

Anywho...In other news...

So, this co-worker of mine has a huge need to impress people and will work even when he shouldn't be. That's why I'm heading out of town again. I watched him hobble around on a cane last night while his knee regularly tried to bend in an unconventional direction! Looked like cooked spaghetti! He has freight coming in, an inventory discrepency recount to do, and still deal with customers today! Can't you just see the workman's comp forms piling up? Ugh!

So, I'm outta here!

Oh, did you ever notice that North, East, West, South or NEWS = news? Coincidence? Feel free to give me your thoughts on this.

Have a good day!


Blogger Alison said...

Yep, I've noticed that. NEWS.

10:42 PM  

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