Monday, July 18, 2005

Day 14461

Ok, so lately I have not been posting at the usual crazed pace which made you all question whether or not you were wasting too much time on my blog. Well, now that you know it was a waste of time, let me explain the lack of posts. It seems that when one enters into a relationship with another of the opposite sex, one has less time to pursue other interests, or what I like to call "diversions". Also, I tend to want to keep some things just for us. - Have I mentioned lately how lucky I am to have found Michelle? I am. - Where was I? Right... Ironically, my incredibly good fortune has apparently been yours as well. However, unfortunately for you, tonight the party is over! I've rediscovered my keyboard and have prepared, or rather outright poached, a totally comprehensive distraction to waste more of your precious time!

I got this from Mike Sheffler, who writes a blog entitled Cone of Ignorance. You probably felt like there should have been a "The" at the beginning of the title. So did I. Anyway, I actually don't know him, I just took the opportunity to use his full name to insinuate that I actually was acquainted with him in some way. I'm not. So, having successfully turned you're mind to mush, my job here is done! Check this out...

This is a quiz to find out which Arrested Development Character Are You! And, as it turns out, I am...

Which Arrested Development Character Are You?

Clicking on the above graphic allows you to take the quiz! Ain't that just keen?

Any questions?

Ok, yes, she's incredible!

No more questions.

Good night!


Blogger Michelle said...

I got Michael, too (mighty close to Michelle, huh?).

I've never seen the show so I can make up my own ideas of if that's a good or bad thing!

btw - I love you!

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Michelle like music?
You'll be sorry if she doesn't!
Oh,and I love her too! In a cyber/music lover sorta way!

Never watched the show and I'm Michael.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the quiz, despite the fact that we are not acquainted in 'meat space'.

Anyway, most people that don't exhibit (many) symptoms of sociopathy tend to be Michael. That just seems to be the way that ball bounces. Me, I'm a GOB-type. Infer what you may.

10:23 PM  

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